The Science of Sin


 “But if you fail to keep your word, then you will have sinned against the LORD, and you may be sure that your sin will find you out.” Numbers 32:23

When I was about five years old, I decided that I was going to test the limits of electricity, and defy all the warnings I had heard. I was certain that I would be different, I would be the exception. So, I removed myself from my parents, as far as my bedroom would let me, and as they were at the other end of the house in the kitchen, I carefully removed the cover of my Lite-Brite, cautiously removed the light buib, and steadied my index finger. This was it, no turning back.  They would write of how I proved everyone wrong and I would be different, my face would be on magazine covers. ZAP!!! OMG!!!! Wow, what a shock, literally! Terrified, I ran to my parents in the kitchen, and said “Oh no, I think I just turned my heart into bacon!!!” Tears streaming from my eyes, they looked puzzled and I had to come clean. They explained to me the laws of conductivity and that frying like bacon wasn’t exactly what they meant. 

People are the same way with sin. They think they will be the exception or that they can just try it a little, and they remove themselves as far as they think they can get from people who might challenge their “experiment”, but who truly just want to protect them. Any sin was big enough that Christ had to take that punishment, and even though you might be able to keep it from people, believe me God took notice when His Son died publicly on a cross for your sin. It cannot be hidden from Him.  “Can a man scoop a flame into his lap and not have his clothes catch on fire? Can he walk on hot coals and not blister his feet?” (Proverbs 6:27-28). Don’t be fooled, when you play with sin, the house always wins.

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